Designed and developed to unload all kinds of hard-to-flow products with tipping chassis.
The Straight Mass Flow Hopper has been specifically designed as a solution for the unloading of ISO 20ft, 30ft, and 40ft marine containers, which are mounted on chassis with tilting platforms so that the product is transferred to the hopper via gravity.
The hopper is mounted on a load-bearing structure so that it can be moved with a forklift through its standard forks. The Hopper can be lifted, hung, and connected from the bottom-back to the container by means of Twist Lock hooks, and from the top by means of fixing levers that are inserted into the cavity where the hinges of both doors of the container are located, allowing the equipment to be safely moored.
The basic operating principle of the “discharge hopper” is that once connected and secured to the container the product will flow and fall via gravity inside the hopper, which is dust-tight.
The hopper incorporates an endless shaft with spokes; this means there is an open space between the helical thread and the shaft that supports it, which eliminates the stacking of material and transports material to the center of the hopper to evacuate by redirecting the product to a rotary valve that transfers the product to a silo.
However, if the characteristics of a material do not help it to flow easily enough, the following aids will be used:
A complete discharge with a maximum loading volume (depending on the density of the product loaded between 18 to 27Tm) can take between 60-90 minutes, depending on the efficiency of the rotary valve capacity.
For those markets in which tilting chassis are readily available.
The Straight Mass Flow Hopper can assist in the unloading of most bulk powder products of various types and can be used in various industries, including environmental, recycling, agriculture, food, mineral, chemical, and pharmaceutical.
This solution is optimal for products such as carbonates, flours, cement, powdered milk, PVC, sugar, coal, etc. — essentially any material that exhibits behavior in line with its physical characteristics and according to its granulometry, particle size, angle of repose, density, hygroscopic degree, which can make it difficult during the handling of its transport and subsequent unloading.
This solution will enable exporters, importers, distributors, and manufacturers of granular and powder raw materials to improve their supply chain processes with regards to environmental impact by switching to intramodal bulk containerized shipments that offer a true silo-to-silo delivery system to each shipment in 20ft, 30ft, 40ft, 45ft, and 53ft standard sea containers.